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Last minute ISA

Posted by siteadmin on Wednesday 28th of March 2018.

Last minute ISA



If you are considering investing in this years ISA then your application and investment must be with the investment company BEFORE 5th April 2018.
This is your last chance to take full advantage of your tax-free allowance.
Contact us as soon as possible.


Generous tax-free allowances.


This tax year, 2017/2018, you can shelter up to £20,000 (£40,000 per couple) into an ISA either as a lump sum or by monthly savings.



Free from income tax and capital gains tax. 


An ISA fund is free from capital gains tax and UK income tax. This means it grows better than a unit trust or investment trust.  and as a result doesn’t need to be declared on your tax returns.



Full control of your investments.


You have total control over your investments. What you invest in, when to change investments and when to sell them to get the best return, which is essential in a fast changing investment market. We will help you every step of the way.



Full access and flexibility


Funds are always liquid for tax-free lump sums or to provide a tax-free monthly income. Building a portfolio of ISAs is ideal to provide you with a tax-free income in retirement.
You can transfer your accounts without restriction or tax charge. A Cash ISA can now be transferred to a Stock & Shares ISA, and vice versa.



Use it, don’t lose it!


This tax year up to the 5th April, you can now invest up to £20,000 and protect your money from the taxman. You can even invest another £20,000 after the 6th April 2018.
Remember that your 2017/18 ISA allowance must be used by 5th April 2018. You cannot ‘roll over’ your ISA investment allowance into the following tax year. If you don’t use your allowance before the 5th April then you will have missed out on the opportunity to shelter more of your savings and investments from tax. So make sure you invest your money each year.



Build a fund for a tax-free income in retirement



Here is the MAIN reason to open an ISA every year.

Year by year you could build up a portfolio of investment ISAs. When you retire or even before you could draw a tax-free income from the fund, without the need to draw on your pension, which would be taxable.
This would free up your pension fund and under the new Pension Freedoms your pension fund could passed to your children - free of inheritance or death tax.



If you would like independent financial advice on ISAs or other types on investments please call us on our Freefone number 0800 193 1066 or click on the investment query button below.
